Author interactive 3D experiences with
Human Studio
At BioDigital we believe all people should understand their health. Seeing inside the body, using interactive 3D technology that is proven to be more effective in communicating complex health information, should be available to everyone. Using Human Studio, for the first time you are empowered to create and publish unprecedented interactive models of anatomy, physiology, disease and treatments.

Interactive 3D Model Library
The BioDigital Human Platform houses the largest library of interactive 3D anatomy, disease, and treatment models ever assembled. You can use this existing content as the basis for creating your unique virtual anatomy experiences.

Virtual Tours
Human Studio Virtual Tours enable you to actively engage learners in understanding body systems, disease progression, and effects of treatment. We call them tours because they’re experiences that guide users through a sequence or process. Virtual Tours can be embedded directly into your app, website, or curriculum.

Paint & Effects
Human Studio supports customization of the look and feel of your 3D anatomy model. Content creators can highlight key structures or use effects to call out different structural components. Paint and effects allow you to create a more engaging and meaningful learning experience.

Interactive Labels
Human Studio enables you to create a one-of-a-kind interactive experience for your learners. Interactive labels help learners see spatial relationships and understand anatomical structures within the context of the human body. Interactive labels offer valuable information that increase learner engagement and help improve learning outcomes.

Publish the Experience
Human Studio allows for users to embed interactive 3D content quickly and simply in their apps, websites, and curriculum. These embedded experiences are proven to improve user experience, learning outcomes and keep users engaged. Easy-to-use embed code for web integrations, and iOS and Android SDKs for native mobile applications, means you can now include interactive 3D content anywhere.